November 11 is the day that we honor our veterans her in the USA. I invite all who wish to pay respect to these men and women whether they served during peace or wartime to add a couple of lines in the comments. Don't feel that you have to be a Shakespear to contribute. Please leave an indicator of your lines as initials or prefered web name, or your full name if you prefer. If you need to post the comment under my name adding your initials or name to your comment will allow it to be distiguished as yours.
I will start with the following.
With love to our fighting men and women
from bygone days, peace time and war. GF
How do i have the right to say. I have not seen,spoke,or heard the tollbell. Not to understand but to listen,support,and not forget your courage.A.C.
that's so great comment our own blog...
That was my daughter, her initials are the AC at the end, she just didn't click on any of the other options. And this is for our veterans and soldiers.
For all the soldiers
don't mind if I keep saying
you've got our backs, and we
keep you in our prayers.
Don't care if it's my blog
you matter to me
and I'm sure when others find it
they'll be in here with me.
God Speed.
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